But AmandaHar! You too, please, cheer up okay? Its hard but, we have to accept D:
Enough of these unhappy stuffs.
Went to causeway point with sister yesterday.
Saw Juney @ foodcourt and it was like damn cute, both of us were holding the tray and I gave that stupid shocked look on my face when I saw her. (LOL)
Had Gelare after that and the waffles were like, so heaty, but nice ah. ^0^
And out of boredom, sister roughly sketch my face on the notepad. It really don't looks like me at all. Fyi, I asked her to sharpen my chin, thats why! HA.
Neway, went to Fy place after that and she asked me to post this picture of her ball.
Yesyes, and and and! I bought clip-on extensions. Permed kind.
I don't care if you guys say that I'm not suited to have long hair I just wanna be lady long long time once! I've been so MAN for so long already, time to change lah. HAHA.
Homeworks piling up day by day.
I keep "procrastinate" whether to do it or not.
Erm, thats not the right way to use procrastinate?
Aiya D: Neway. Cross Country Run @ Bishan park 2 on friday!
Still "procrastinating" whether to run or not.
Or maybe I look for a sinseh and fake a bandage on my foot.....?
So excited about Sat.
Going Meidi-ya japanese cutesy supermarket!
I'm gonna buy my sibei cutesy cup noodles! Yaynesssss!
And you'll expect lots of pictures, cause with Juney around, we'll sure never-ending cam-whore!
Okok, one more thing. Sister bought Cape NO.7 soundtrack!
Damn nice I tell you! Wahhhhhhhhhhh. My life getting more exciting!( Maybe a lil exggerating)
Social studies test tomorrow ! D:
Off to mug. Bye earthlings!