Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bug off, stress.

I've always been "lenient" to myself when it comes to studying. Yet I'd still pass my exams without much hard work put in.

Now it's not the same anymore. As I gotten my result slip this morning I nearly burst into tears.
Yeah you might say that "hey, it's only CA1" but they're really important to me.
I flunk almost every subjects. Only passed 2 out of 5.

Aiya, I'm damn sad now lah. Like everything's getting in my way nowadays. At least I passed my combined science. My fav subjects, combined humanities, flunk.
Damn it, damn it, damn it man!

I swear to pass all subjects during MYE.

The thoughts of you irates me. What the hell's wrong with you man! One moment you're avoiding. Now you've finally think it through huh? Thinking that it's no point doing all these cause I don't give a damn neither would I feel anything. It's like you've never been to my world before. I shouldn't be sorry cause I knew the truth.