Friday, May 8, 2009


Exams week!
Did study and hopefully I'll pass the papers. Weird thing is, why does all the papers 20,50,80 marks instead of 100? Super weird.
2 more papers to go. Physics and Math p2. Then can enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy already. Heh!

Oh yes! I want more more more MJ products cause they're so effing addictive. Especially the trick-on eye pallate. I WANT I WANT.

Today is friday and I decided to let myself off a day.
Sheesha with cuzzies and baby later.
Oh no! I'm so damn broke now did I mention that I quit my job? Bah!
BROKE BROKE BROKEEEEEE............................ CASHHHHHHH.

Lastly, I love my BABY~!