Went to buy next year books from school bookshop early in the morning.
Breakfast with Rickyyyyyyyyyy after that.
Caught Twilight's midnight show just now!
And Robert Pattison(or whatever spelling) is my idol kkkkkkkkk!
Oh, and I expected Edward Cullen to be as suave as him ;)
Exactly, Stephanie Meyer definitely is a greatttt author. I imaginated everything it looks so same as the movie. Hahahahaha.
Hopefully there's a part 2 to it. If not ah...... the story ends like this hor, very no link leh. LOL.
Twilight is so addictive, isn't that so, all the twilight fans? Hahaha.
I even dreamed about Edward every night!
And Alice too, not Bella I don't know why, maybe I liked Alice more ;X
Aww. I wanna go to Forks High. And live with the vamps, like Edward..